
Reflections in the Mirror of God’s Word

Romans 12:2 (NKJV) 2 And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God. When we read in Rom 12:2 about being transformed by the Word of God, what does...

God’s Love – The Master Key

The bible tells us in 1 John 4:8 that God is love and in Him there is no darkness. The greater revelation we have of how much God loves us the more we will love Him back and realize there is nothing in life to fear. When God’s perfect love permeated you soul...

In search of Reality Pt 2

As we continue to Search for reality, there are several scriptural areas that we should examine. Very often the facts or feelings contradict what is biblically accurate. When we discover an area from scripture and base our life on that truth, sometimes we may not feel...

In Search of Reality

If you have ever been to a magic show or watched an illunsionist perform, you were probably left with the thought, can that be real. Many times we can’t trust what our eyes see nor can we always rely on what we hear. So how can we be certain what is reality and...

Jesus: Our Lord, Our Substitute, Our Prototype

We Celebrated Resurrection Sunday yesterday. What a wonderful day to celebrate. We celebrate the fact that Jesus is our Lord and Savior and is risen from the dead. As we celebrate His resurrection it is important to recognize that He by grace was and is our...