
What are you expecting in 2024? Well that is an interesting question. Too many people are expecting things such as the economy, crime, government regulations to get worse. Perhaps they are right. Another group just wait for things to happen then say, “Well that’s what I expected”! However, we can begin to raise the level of our expectations. When we are influenced by God’s word and see the good things He has planned and wants to bring into our lives, we can declare those things are in our future. The bible tells us in Job 22:28 “we shall declare a thing and it shall be established”.

For the last few weeks I’ve been teaching on this declaration and giving outlines and declarations for LGC people to begin declaring in their lives. You can watch these messages on our watch services page. Get into God’s word and begin to declare not what you have but what you desire to have in your life.

Until Next time I’m Pastor Carl Benton and remember it’s the truth you know and walk in that sets you free!