
The bible tells us in 1 John 4:8 that God is love and in Him there is no darkness. The greater revelation we have of how much God loves us the more we will love Him back and realize there is nothing in life to fear. When God’s perfect love permeated you soul fear have no place to grab hold of in your heart and mind.  The master key is a key that opens any door in a building. So if God’s Love is the master key of heaven’s resources, then our accepting, relying and trusting His love all of heaven’s resources are available to us by faith.

God’s love provided salvation for the lost, healing for the sick, comfort for the hurting, provision for those with lack. In other words, God’s love provides the avenue to all we may have need of. In John 17:23 we read that God loves us as much as He loves Jesus. As hard as that is to wrap our minds around, it is true.

So ask God to give you a greater revelation of His love for you.  Go to the Media page and we have several messages on God’s Love. I believe they will be a blessing to you.

Until next time, remember it’s the truth you know and walk in that sets you free.

Pastor Carl Benton